How To Spot Good Cannabis Vs BAD Cannabis — Jessi Cox
There is soon to be a record supply of cannabis flower in the #californiacannabis market.
Watch out for:
Low quality cannabis that looks pretty in packaging but fails to DELIVER on quality.
Which is WHY I do not use DELIVERY that much… I much prefer dispensaries!!
For the eye: Low quality cannabis buds are light, leafy and wispy.
For the nose: They do not smell dank, no skunk or bright citrus tones.
Weight: In the hand once you already purchase unfortunately, you will notice “Reggie” weed is not heavy, it is light and takes about 10 nugs to make any weight.
I do not like trimming reggie weed, no one does.
Nor do I like grinding it or smoking it. No thank you.
NOTE: My opinion/ BUNK WEED is what I call it is not even good for concentrate or distillate… The concentration of cannabinoids are usually much lower because the trichomes are underdeveloped.
Photo by MMJ Doctors.
#cannabis #packaging #quality #qualityvsquantity